TotalPatent Releases New Enhancements

Patent research and retrieval system TotalPatent has updated its platform with new functionality that gives users greater control over their data. Read on for a more detailed report. Continue reading

Thomson Innovation Releases New Update

Patent research services provider Thomson Innovation released a new update for its platform on June 28 2015, that includes enhancements to its database and new functionality. More on the update after the break. Continue reading

WIPO’s PatentScope Releases Video Tutorials

World Intellectual Property Organization‘s (WIPO) PatentScope patent searching system has released a collection of video tutorials to help searchers learn how to conduct searches and make the most of the system. Read on for a detailed report. Continue reading

USPTO Collaborates With Korea and Japan Patent Offices on Patent Search

The United States Patent and Trademark Office has signed two separate Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) with the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) and the Japan Patent Office (JPO) for a new pilot program designed to share prior art search information with patent applicants before the actual examination of the patent application begins. The MOCs were signed at a bilateral meeting during the IP5 Heads Meeting in Suzhou, China. More about the pilot program after the break!
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